Thursday, February 5, 2009

You don't know when to stop talking.

You used to come to my dorm all the time because you were friends with my neighbors, and I thought you were really cute. I liked how you surfed and you always had pot for me.

One night you came over and got a nose bleed. I guess that happens sometimes, no biggie.

But then you said it reminded you of this one time in high school when a girl who sat in front of you in class got her period and didn’t know it, and when she finally stood up it was everywhere, and it smelled funny. Sort of like rust. And you just couldn't get the smell out of your mind. Why did you have to say that?

1 comment:

  1. I almost thought this was me because A) I talk a lot and B) I got my period in class but it was middle school.

    ...I don't surf though.
