Sunday, July 17, 2011

You drastically misinterpret facial expressions.

You opened the door and saw my friend and I looking at you, which seemed to flatter you since you looked so pleased with yourself. You stood in line behind us, much too close for conventional American standards of personal space. I thought you were either just drunk or foreign (or both) until I realized you thought we were interested in you. No, sir, we were not physically attracted to you in the slightest. What you mistook for nervous sexual tension was actually more like legitimate fear, since at that moment we had just learned from the cashier that the convenience store had been through an armed robbery 10 minutes earlier and we were watching out for suspects.

You have (The) Game.

Step One: Select a Target
I noticed you looked out of place because you had wandered into a company party, and you did not work for my company. It was obvious to everyone else, but you seemed to be oblivious to it somehow. That was your first mistake. You walked up to my female coworker and I and tried to act suave.

Step Two: Approach and Open
Your second mistake was opening with a line straight out of "The Game," a book on how to pick up women. Your delivery was shoddy, and you didn't pick up on the fact that I recognized the line (and the source). I answered you quickly and honestly, then threw the question back to you and stared at you blankly while you stammered through a response. I blinked at you through the subsequent silence until you walked back to your buddy in defeat. You never quite got to Step Three: Demonstrate Value.